Scientists Will Build A Base in The Driest Desert in The World

Scientists Will Build A Base in The Driest Desert in The World
Scientists in Chile and other countries Will Build a Base in the Desert of Atacama, the Driest in the World , in order to simulate a space colony, mobile launch platforms and greenhouses as if you were on Mars. The information disseminated by the newspaper El Mercurio detail that is the center of Moon-Mars Research, a scientific, technological and tourism set in an area recognized by the international scientific community as one of the most similar to Mars from Earth, solar radiation and extreme temperatures, low humidity and strong winds.

The Base Will rise at the Chajnantor plain, located 55 miles east of the town of San Pedro de Atacama, at 5,150 meters high and about 1,650 kilometers northeast of Santiago. In place the European Southern Observatory (ESO, for its acronym in English) built with international partners the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA), a telescope to study art in light of some of the coldest objects in the universe. The academic at the University of Antofagasta, a Chilean project coordinators, Carmen Gloria Jimenez said there prior experiences in Utah (United States) and Devon Island in the Canadian Arctic.

Among the initiators of the project are NASA’s Mars Society, the SETI Institute, the space agency of China and more than 40 companies that provide services to research and American space race. According to El Mercurio, Chile joined National Properties, the Air Force of Chile, the municipality of San Pedro de Atacama, Antofagasta University and the Chilean Space Agency. Also, the National Scientific and Technological Research (CONICYT) provided the land for the project.


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