As Aamir is not producing Dhoom 3, he has asked for a profit-sharing agreement with Chopra, which will be over and above his usual acting fee. According to trade figures Dhoom 2 had made a gross business of Rs 134 crore in India and about the same amount from the overseas market. Going by the present market dynamics, Aamir's figures are expected to cross the jaw-dropping magic mark of Rs 100 crore.
According to sources, even if the film becomes half as popular as the other two Dhooms, Aamir will take home around Rs 100 crore.
It is pertinent to add that most actors being part-producers get the negative and satellite rights of the film. But in this case, since it is Chopra's production, those rights rest with him and Aamir will be paid an acting fee. Sources say that the profit sharing arrangement is part of the fee.
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