Two New Species of Frog Were Found

Two New Species of Frog Were Found

Two New Species of Frog Were Found
Experts in Costa Rica reported the sighting of Two Species of Frogs and a toad once thought extinct and stated that there are signs that other populations of endangered amphibians are recovering, reported the Newspaper. Frogs that Were seen Were thought to be extinct in 2010 on the slopes of Barva and Poas volcanoes and cloud forests of Monteverde, in the center of the country, the Report of the Expert Group on Conservation and Reproduction of Mesoamerica (CBSG, for its acronym in English), released this month. The experts confirmed the recurrence of holdridgei Incilius toad, a Species endemic to Costa Rica, as recorded 31 specimens in youth and 9 adults, small plants and ferns around the Barva volcano. The Two other Frog Species are Isthmohyla policy, which was seen in Monteverde, in the west, and the Frog Craugastor fleishmanni, which was in the Plum River, located in the foothills of Poas Volcano.

One of the researchers, Yolanda Matamoros, told The Nation that “there is an improvement in the methodology because they Were in the same place where they have searched in the past 30 years.”

He added that in addition to these findings there are signs of recovery in populations of red-eyed Frog (Duellmanohyla uranochroa), the leopard Frog (Lithobates taylori) and the Frog Lithobates vibicarius, which are in danger of extinction.

Costa Rica’s amphibians are threatened by global warming and the emergence of the pathogenic fungus “Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, which has caused the extinction of some Species.

Costa Rica, 51mil a territory of 100 square kilometers, is one of the countries with the highest concentration of Species in the world, home to 4.5% of the planet’s biodiversity.

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