15,000 Halo: Reach Cheaters Have Their Credits Reset

While Halo: Reach may be Bungie’s final Halo game, the developer is not leaving the game unsupported. In addition to the upcoming update and likely new downloadable content, Bungie is in the process of resetting credits for approximately 15,000 Halo: Reach players who the company has identified as the most egregious “Challenge Reset” abusers.

More specifically, Bungie targeted users/abusers of an exploit that allowed players to complete a Challenge 20+ times via intentional network manipulation (i.e., disconnects). In addition to resetting those players’ credits, Bungie is also applying a one day credit-earning ban, which was done to ensure that recipients receive an in-game notification of the action taken. When Bungie started the credit resets, it also clarified that no bans were handed out for playing “too much” Gruntpocalypse, nor for using the target locator “too much.” According to Bungie, there is no such thing as “too much” of these.

Good for Bungie. Sure some people may argue that these players should not be punished for using an exploit found in the game that involves a little disconnecting here and there. It is good that Bungie is taking these actions. There is a difference between disconnecting so you can re-do challenges over and over to earn credits versus, say, finding a shortcut in a racing game that the developers did not know about or plan on. Any time a player relies on network disconnections to trigger an exploit, labeling them a “cheater”.
Why do people do this kind of thing. Sure, people are competitive and want to win, etc. And there might be some cool accessories for your character at super-high credit levels, but really, cheating to unlock those? And around 15,000 people doing this? Really? What is the fun in that? So that other people will think you have played tons and tons and tons of Reach so that you were able to unlock that stuff first? Or that fellow gamers will think you are a cheater?
So the moral of the story here, don’t cheat, at least not in Halo: Reach. Chances are Bungie will catch you either with sweeps like this, or via its automated “Banhammer,” which will likely become more accurate and refined over time.
Halo: Reach is currently available exclusively on the Xbox 360.


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