Bad Company 2 lost game stats, weapons and awards now being restored

A bit of panic swept over Battlefield: Bad Company 2 gamers as they discovered that they were losing their game stats and weapons. Players can now heave a sigh of relief though as reports are coming in that they’re now being restored.

One of BC2 players posted this thread about that bug or whatever it was, which caused players’ stats, weapons, and even awards to suddenly disappear into thin air.
He wrote: “Just got this game on Saturday LOVED IT but then i got to level 8 today and i turned my 360 off to go out for dinner and got back 2 hours later and logged on and lost all my stats guns awards and as soon as i join a game(it takes a while) i will get a 5 kills and then it will kick me and say updating stats and then it will bring me straight to the weapons and gadgets and say i got NO KILLS WITH THAT GUN WTF. AND IT JUST HAPPENS TO BE THE SAME DAY I GET THE ONSLOT MODE for 800 M$ and i am wondering if that download had anything to do with THIS PROB“.
Now EA seemed to have jumped on the situation and contained it fast cos starting the game back up should magically restore all your stuff. We’ve yet to hear an official statement from EA as to what exactly caused this problem, but at least we’ve got our game back.


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