9 Coolest Magical Items


A magic item is any object that has magical powers inherent in it. These may act on their own or be the tools of the person or being whose hands they fall into. Magic items are commonly found in both folklore and modern fantasy. Their fictional appearance is as old as the Iliad in which Aphrodite’s magical girdle is used by Hera as a love charm

. Magic items often act as a plot device to grant magical abilities. They may give magical abilities to a person lacking in them, or enhance their power. From these items that have been portrayed in fiction till now, we present you the best ten as under.

9. Truth Chain

Fablehaven Series

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Type of Plot Element: Chain/ Lasso
Function: Kills a Liar
Specific Traits and Abilities: Strangles the Liar to death
Truth Chain is one of the cool magical items shown in the fictional Fablehaven series which is The New York Times’ best-selling literature fantasy series written by Brandon Mul.
The name of this item was not given, but essentially it is a magical collar placed around one’s neck. It is usually referred to as the Magic Lasso or Golden Lasso and forces anyone it captures to obey and tell the truth.  It is magically programmed to lethally constrict if the wearer tells a lie. The wizard Agad places one of these chains on the neck of Thronis, the Sky Giant. Thronis is unable to remove it, so has accepted his fate to simply never tell a lie. He places similar chains on the necks of the team sent to retrieve the Key from the Dragon Temple, to ensure they also bring to him the five magical figurines.

8. Hand of Midas

Alibaba and forty Thieves

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Type of Plot Element: Hand
Function: Converts anything into Gold
Specific Traits and Abilities: Single Touch can transform even living into gold
King Midas is popularly remembered in Greek mythology for his ability to turn everything he touched into gold. This was called the Golden Touch or Midas Touch. Coming from the same myth is Hand of Midas portrayed in tales like Ali Baba and 40 Thieves. This  powerful ancient artifact which was a fascinating gadget at that time, it allows to transform any other thing or even  living creatures into gold once it touches it! It takes awhile to recharge, but can pay for itself if you make one soon enough. It’s extremely useful against certain dota heroes who might rely on creeps or summons. The hand can take one of them out with a single click.

7. Flying Carpet

One Thousand and One Nights

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Type of Plot Element: Carpet
Function: Transportation Device
Specific Traits and Abilities: Capable of Flight
A flying carpet, is a legendary carpet that can be used to transport persons who are on it instantaneously or quickly to their destination. The popularity of One Thousand and One Nights brought the idea of magic carpets to the attention of Western audience. In these tales the magic carpet of Tangu, also called “Prince Housain’s carpet” was a seemingly worthless carpet from Tangu in Persia that acted as a magic carpet. The literary traditions of several other cultures also feature magical carpets.
Solomon’s carpet was reportedly made of green silk with a golden weft, sixty miles long and sixty miles wide: “when Solomon sat upon the carpet he was caught up by the wind, and sailed through the air so quickly that he breakfasted at Damascus and supped in Media.” The wind followed Solomon’s commands, and ensured the carpet would go to the proper destination; when Solomon was proud, for his greatness and many accomplishments, the carpet gave a shake and 40,000 fell to their deaths. The carpet was shielded from the sun by a canopy of birds. In Shaikh Muhammad ibn Yahya al-Tadifi al-Hanbali’s book of wonders, Qala’id-al-Jawahir (“Necklaces of Gems”), Shaikh Abdul-Qadir Gilani walks on the water of the River Tigris, then an enormous prayer rug  appears in the sky above, “as if it were the flying carpet of Solomon”.
In Russian folk tales, Baba Yaga can supply Ivan the Fool with a flying carpet or some other magical gifts. Such gifts help the hero to find his way “beyond thrice-nine lands, in the thrice-ten kingdom”. In Mark Twain’s “Captain Stormfield’s Visit to Heaven”, magic wishing-carpets are used to instantaneously travel throughout Heaven. In J. K. Rowling’s book “Quidditch Through the Ages”, it is said that flying carpets are more popular than broomsticks among wizards in countries such as India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Iran and Mongolia.

6. Eye and Hand of Vecna

Dungeons and Dragons Universe

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Type of Plot Element: Eye and Hand
Function: Superhuman Abilities
Specific Traits and Abilities: Grants powers on how they are pleased with the host
The Eye and Hand of Vecna are two interlinked artifacts of great power in many campaign settings for the Dungeons & Dragons. Originating in the World of Greyhawk campaign setting, they are related to each other, the Eye appears as a small red pebble or shriveled grape and Hand appears as a severed left human hand, blackened and charred, with long, claw-like fingernails.
To use the hand, it must be touched to the stump of one’s own left forearm — most would-be users must chop off their own left hand to do so. The hand magically grafts itself to the person’s stump, and from then on can be used as a normal hand, though it retains its charred and rotting appearance. It grants an array of magical powers, such as the ability to conjure forth missiles of magical force. Additional abilities become evident if the user also possesses the Eye of Vecna. The abilities the hand bestowed on its user are multiple like superhuman strength, the ability to damage plant-based creatures by touch, and fifteen other spell-like abilities, each being activated by a unique gesture. In ‘Dungeons & Dragons third and 3.5 edition, the hand dealt cold damage to whomever it touched, could drain the abilities of others and transfer them to the user, and could be used to daze, weaken, paralyze, or kill non-evil creatures. In the 4th edition, the Hand grants a number of powers based on how pleased it is with the host. It defaults with a bonus to checks made with the Athletics skill, as well as a trinity of Warlock powers, as well as greater competence in battle. When satisfied, in increases the Athletics boon and can hurl explosive globes of necrotic energy, and when pleased it can create an aura of death around the host. A displeased Hand will occasionally try to throttle the host, while an angry one will also attempt to attack the host’s allies.
The Eye is “used” by placing it into one’s own empty eye socket—most would-be users must pluck out their own eye to “free up” the space. The Eye magically grafts itself into place and takes on the appearance of a shriveled eye, and glows with a foul crimson light. The user can see out of the Eye normally, and it grants him to see perfectly well in the dark or to see magical auras. The Eye gives the “wearer” the ability to see through all illusions, lay curses on others, dominate the will of those the user made eye contact with, kill subjects with a gaze and disintegrate their remains, and unhallow areas. The Eye grants a number of powers based also like hand on how pleased it is with the host. It defaults to granting the host a trio of vision-based Warlock powers, as well as Darkvision and a bonus to Arcane, Insight and Perception skill checks. When satisfied with the host, it increases the skill bonus and grants the power to unleash a beam of necrotic energy from the eye, while a pleased eye grants an even greater skill bonus and the power to see into the souls of those around the host via an aura of clear sight. If displeased, however, the eye induces frightening visions and when truly angered it tries to take control of the host, as well as blasting allies on occasion.

5. Elder Wand

Harry Potter Series


Type of Plot Element: Wand
Function: Protects the Host from Damage
Specific Traits and Abilities: Invincibility to WielderThe Elder Wand, known throughout history as the Death Stick or the Wand of Destiny appearing in the Harry Potter series, is an extremely powerful wand made of elder wood with a core of Thestral tail hair.It is supposedly the most powerful wand in existence, and when used by its true master, he or she cannot be defeated in a duel.
It also appears, as the wand is somewhat sentient (as are all wands), that it will not allow itself to cause real harm to its true master. As stated by Mr. Ollivander the wandmaker, the wand will never fully work for the new user unless he or she directly disarms, stuns or kills (even in Muggle fashion) the previous master. Rowling has stated that the wand is brutal in its choice of master, and that, whilst most wands have some allegiance to their own masters, the Elder Wand only responds to power. If a master dies naturally without ever being defeated, the wand’s power will die for any following owner, since it was never won from the former.

4. Summoning Horn

Bartimaeus Trilogy

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Type of Plot Element: Horn
Function: Summons anyone in its range
Specific Traits and Abilities: Can Summon Spirits and Dead
Bartimaeus Trilogy is a favourite fantasy series by Jonathan Stroud in 2003 – 2006. Magic in the trio can be created by two entities, the magician or the magical entity summoned from the Other Place.
A large ivory horn was used in the trio called the “Summoning Horn” that can be used to summon any entity within the users command at a moments notice regardless of how powerful it is, breaking the horn while reciting the correct incantations will automatically dismiss the summoned Spirit. According to Bartimaeus, any spirit that is within range of the horn when blown will be “begging for mercy”, likewise a spirit can tell a genuine Summoning Horn from a fake as it makes them ill to be in the presence of one. Summoning Horns are quite rare given the prerequisite needed to make them work; the first user must surrender himself to the mercy of whatever Djinn he is summoning, because most Djinn are malignant towards Magicians, this generally results in the death of the first user. Simon Lovelace had one in his collection and used it to summon Ramuthra to destroy the government, the horn was broken by Nathaniel near the end of the book and so Ramuthra was automatically dismissed.

3. Magic Lamp


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Type of Plot Element: Oil Lamp
Function: Prisons Jinns
Specific Traits and Abilities: Summon Jinni on rub that can grant 3 wishes
The Magic Lamp is an artifact that appears as the pivot component of Middle-Eastern folk tale, Aladdin which is one of the tales in The Book of One Thousand and One Nights (Arabian Nights), and one of the most famous.
Concerning an impoverished young ne’er-do-well named Aladdin, in a Chinese city, who is recruited by a sorcerer from the Maghreb (who passes himself off as the brother of Aladdin’s late father) to retrieve a wonderful oil lamp from a booby-trapped magic cave. Unaware of the powers possessed by this simple vessel, he accidentally rubs it’s gold facade . It is then when the secrets of this oil vessel are revealed. The lamp was forged millions of years ago, almost since forever when a Jinni was forced to live inside it as a prisoner forever for his deeds. He is a powerful prisoner who can do anything except get himself free, and is bound to do the bidding of the person holding the lamp.  He can fulfill any 3 wishes of the wielder but can’t be freed unless and only until the wielder would use his one wish to release him. Over years, the lamp had been found and lost time and over again and Jinni had been granting the desires of his masters. While contemplating his wishes, Aladdin asks for Jinni’s opinion. Jinni admits he would wish for freedom, since he is a prisoner to his lamp. Aladdin promises to wish him free for his last wish. And finally after a prison of a million years, for Alladin’s last wish, Aladdin desires for Genie’s freedom, much to Genie’s surprise and happiness.

2. The Dagger of Time

Prince of Persia Franchise

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The Dagger of Time appears in a video game franchise created by Jordan Mechner, the Prince of Persia and it’s inspired movie.
The Dagger of Time is a powerful weapon, capable of allowing its wielder to harness the power of the Sands of Time, and manipulate time itself. If the wielder steps into a large concentration of the Sands of Time, the Dagger of Time will allow them a brief look into the future. The Dagger of Time also is capable of making its wielder immortal. If the wielder uses the weapon to harness the power of the Sands of Time, then impales themselves with the blade, it will embed the Sands of Time into that wielder, making them immortal. The Dagger of Time is also the “key” which opens the lock on the Hourglass of Time.
The Dagger of Time was created on the Island of Time for the ability of controlling the sands, as indicated by the Vizier in Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones, who expressed his feelings over finding it there. It was stolen from the Island of Time before the events of Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time by the Maharajah of India, along with the Hourglass of Time, which contain the Sands of Time. The Prince uses the Dagger of Time to release the Sands of Time during the events of the game. This brings about a plague of sorts; only carriers of the artifacts of time avoid mutation, and the resulting monsters can also only be killed by the artifacts of time.

1. One Ring

The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings

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Type of Plot Element: Ring
Function: Invisibilty
Specific Traits and Abilities: Stops aging, corrupts esp wielder’s  minds, omnipotence
The One Ring is an artifact that appears as the central plot element in J. R. R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth fantasy fiction. It is described in an earlier story, The Hobbit (1937), as a magic ring of invisibility. The sequel The Lord of the Rings (1954–55) describes its powers as being more encompassing than invisibility, and states that the Ring is in fact malevolent. The Lord of the Rings concerns the quest to destroy the Ring, which was created by the primary antagonist, Sauron.
The One Ring was created by the Dark Lord Sauron during the Second Age in order to gain dominion over the free peoples of Middle-earth. The Ring seemed simply to be made of gold, but was impervious to damage. It could be destroyed only by throwing it into the pit of the volcanic Mount Doom where it had originally been forged. The lines inscribed on the Ring were written in Black Speech, evidently also part of the spell that imbued the One Ring with power. Normally the One Ring appeared perfectly plain and featureless, but when cast into fire the inscription appeared in fiery letters on the inner and outer surface of the Ring. A person wearing the Ring would enter a shadowy world revealing the physical world from a different aspect, and from which physical objects were harder to see. The wearer was mostly invisible to ordinary beings, like Men, but highly visible to the Nazgûl. The Ring dimmed the wearer’s sight, while at the same time sharpening the other senses. The Ring slowly but inevitably corrupted its bearer, regardless of the bearer’s initial intent. The ring had the ability to change size. As well as adapting to fingers of varying size, from Sauron’s to Frodo’s, it sometimes suddenly expanded in order to give its wearer the slip.
The Ring’s primary power was control of the other Rings of Power, including “mastery over [their] powers” and domination of the wills of their users. By extension, the Ring also conferred the power to dominate the wills of other beings whether they were wearing Rings or not. However, this is its least accessible power since it granted this ability in proportion to the user’s natural capacity. In the same way, it amplified any inherent power its owner possessed. A mortal wearing the Ring was made effectively invisible except to those able to perceive the non-physical world, with only a thin, shaky shadow discernible in the brightest sunlight. Gandalf explained that it does not “grant new life”, but that the possessor merely “continues” until life becomes unbearably wearisome. the One Ring also has the effect of physically corrupting mortals who wore it for extended periods of time, eventually transforming them into wraiths. It also gives its wielder the ability to read minds. As it contained a large part of Sauron’s native power, it was endowed with a malevolent sentience of sorts. While separated from Sauron, the Ring would strive to return to him, both by impelling its bearer to yield to Sauron or his servants, and by abandoning its possessor at key moments. To fully master all of these abilities, a wielder of the Ring would need an extremely disciplined and well-trained mind, a strong will, and a high degree of spiritual development. Those with weaker minds such as Hobbits and lesser Men, would have gained very little benefit from the Ring, let alone realized its full potential. Yet till the end, the One Ring remains the single most evil omnipotent magical item


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